Content Removal / Abuse / DMCA
Before you will send this form, we want you to understand:
- This site is fully automatic search engine.
- We do not own, produce or host the videos displayed on this website. All videos displayed on our site are hosted by 3rd party websites that we are unable to control.
- The linked videos are automatically gathered and added into our system by our spider software.
- Thumbnails are automatically generated from the videos. "Categories" is just a list of the most popular search queries entered by surfers.
- The list of related phrases is also based on surfers search queries.
- We take no responsibility for the content on any website which we link to. We take no responsibility for the phrases entered by surfers.
- By your request we will remove any illegal photo & link, but not the original content from the source site.
- To remove original picture or video, please contact owner of 3rd party website directly.
To remove the content from our site, please send us the following details:
- URL of our site where you see the illegal content
- URL of the linked page where illegal content is hosted (3rd party site)
- Title of video or decription
- Thumbnail/image url
Email all information to: